And so, by confronting these contradictions, firms are guided through a process of productive tension until they reach the new equilibrium. It is a systemic organizational learning process in which everyone must grapple with some form of loss. “Prioritizing holistic health places organizations in inherent tension because advancing this priority requires letting go of deeply ingrained habits, beliefs, and even values, many of which may seem to be at odds, at least at the paradigm level, with the values of efficiency and profitability,” said Weisz.

Evidently, the modern workplace is at a crossroads, facing the challenge of integrating a holistic approach to employee health that extends beyond the traditional focus on physical wellness. It's clear that a workforce thriving in all aspects of health—mental, social, and spiritual—is not only more satisfied but also more productive and innovative. The economic benefits of such an approach are immense, with significant reductions in attrition rates and disengagement that translate to substantial financial gains for organizations.

Embracing this integrated view of health is not only a moral obligation but a strategic advantage. It necessitates a balanced approach that addresses both the demands of the job and the enabling factors that foster wellbeing. As such, employers who prioritize this broader concept of health are poised to create environments where employees can truly flourish, setting a new standard for what it means to be a successful and forward-thinking organization. In essence, pursuing holistic health is not just a moral imperative; it’s a strategic one.